1. Our 'Brand New' House
Yes. One of the reasons for our cyber hibernation was due to this BIG milestone in our life. Alhamdulillah... we have moved to our new house located at Bandar Bukit Raja (BBR), Klang. It is just a stone's throw away to Umi's workplace but Ayah has to travel via multiple modes to his office. As Ayah has been enjoying the luxury of being closer to the office before...we thought that this is a fair deal after all.
What do we like most about our new house ?
A. It is a Malay-majority populated area.
B. Our house is fronting the playground
C. We have extra parking space for our guests
D. TESCO Setia Alam, Carefour Klang , Jusco Bukit Raja and soon-to be Giant Setia Alam are just within 1-2 km radius
E. 24-Hours KFC and McD are just at our convenience
F. Nassier Wahab is soon to be our neighbour ! hahahah
What do we hate most about our new place ?
A. Banyak anjing liar datang dari mana tah ?
B. No masjid in the taman except for a surau within the nearby flat. But Alhamdulillah, we can still listen to the azan from the surau.
B. No masjid in the taman except for a surau within the nearby flat. But Alhamdulillah, we can still listen to the azan from the surau.
C. Unexpected schedule of rubbish collection.
E. Rumput...or rather lalang tumbuh tinggi at those unoccupied houses. Tuan-tuan rumah...sila jenguk-jengukkan sama rumah anda.
2. Adlina, Ariff and their new world
It was a sad time to say goodbye to their old nursery on their final day. We have sent Adlina there since she was six months (now she is 3 1/2 years) and Ariff since he was 2 months (now Ariff is 1 year and 4 months). We thank to all their caretakers for taking care both of the kids.
And we thought that the kids will take longer time to adapt to the new environment at their new place. But our thought was wrong ! Since Adlina is now under the category of 4 years old, we decided to send her to a kindergarten which separate her away from Ariff.
Adlina is now attending to an Islamic Kindergaten i.e. Little Caliph at BBR. We have witnessed wonders within a short period. Her English has improved tremendously. She prefers zikir and ayat-ayat suci instead of lagu-lagu tah apa-apa dalam kereta. She can recite Al-Fatihah and Al-Ikhlas walaupun tak sempurna lagi. And most importantly, she has learned rukun sembahyang at this young age. Mana tidaknya, dekat sekolah belajar solat Dhuha waktu pagi. Everytime we reach home, we are so excited to hear and listen new things from her.
As for Ariff, we send him to a nearby nursery called Permata Hati. He was really tense for the first three days but after that, he's back to his cheeky life. Oh ya ! Have we shared with you that Ariff has started walking when he was 1 year 2 months. For some reasons, yes... it was quite late but at least earlier that his sister. Ariff is also a fast learner. He can say Ayah, Umi, Kak Long, Tok (for both Tok Chah and Tok June), Wan, Acu, Mak (for Mak Ngah) and Chichik (for Mak Cik).
except that she's still into 'annie annie annie' whenever she's in mak ngah's car. hehehe
u also forgot to add that ariff has started to drink formula!
Maaf diterima... Asalkan balik summer nanti ada org belanja satay.. lapaq satay la... haha...
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